After giving birth to my first child, I found myself lost in the very early stages of becoming a mother. I had wonderful support around me but I felt very alone and didn’t want to let on that I wasn’t coping. I found myself in some very dark places with my thoughts and feelings and decided to speak up because I knew I needed help. I was later diagnosed with Post Natal Depression and anxiety.
All this time I kept thinking to myself “why isn’t there somewhere I can go that I can be cared for and helped with my new baby”. Since then I have made it my mission to create a space that cares for mothers to assist in their own birthing process from maiden to mother and not have anyone else feel the way that I felt after birth.

– Larissa Leone, Founder Homb

Homb exists to support and nurture new mothers through postpartum and aid in the prevention of postnatal anxiety and depression.

Homb is mother lead and provides guests with access to 24/7 support from our team of highly skilled care specialists, offering education and assistance with whatever you need in that moment. From lactation and feeding to nutrition and gentle exercise and so much more we're here to support you in the way that you need so that you can rest and bond with your baby and ultimately thrive in your motherhood journey.

We spend so much time preparing to welcome a new baby, what if we put as much care and thought into welcoming and supporting new mothers?

That is the vision for Homb postpartum. To create a soft and nurturing space to hold the mother through the monumental physical, emotional and psychological changes that a person goes through in the process of becoming a mother.

Our team of care specialists have a wide range of skills and qualifications, including;
Registered nurses, Midwives, IBCLC Lactation Consultants, Naturopath and Nutritionists, Doulas, Birth Trauma Practitioners, Bodyworkers, Night Nannies, Aware Parenting Educators and gentle sleep consultants — all collaborating on the best ways to guide and support our guests through their stay.

Current studies indicate that up to 1 in 5 women and up to 1 in 10 men will experience anxiety and/or depression in the perinatal period.* Our mission at Homb is to aid in the prevention and reduce the statistics of postnatal depression and anxiety by offering care where it's needed and helping mothers to feel empowered in their postpartum journey. *source - panda.org.au